My passion in the kitchen is not limited to cooking, but understanding nutrition itself.
I am always creating something new and for that reason, I like to know about my ingredients.
That has always fascinated me.
What do they do for me? Which vitamins and/or minerals do they contain?
I study them, plant some of them, make notes and experience them in many ways.
So, in our Kitchen you will also read about plants, vitamins and ingredients in general; and because I'm planning on posting a recipe of a good red sauce soon, BASIL is so welcome right now.
Did you know that basil leaves juice with honey may help soothe a hoarse voice, or that it may soothe indigestion? Basil juice may also relieve itching if you apply to the trouble area.
Basil is rich in rosmarinic and caffeic acid (phenolic compounds with strong antioxidant properties); and other phytochemicals: orientin and vicerin, flavonoids that protect cells from damage. It also contains oils that have antibacterial properties (volatile) and carotenoids, such as beta-carotene (which is converted to vitamin A).
(Vitamin A: if there was a "most important" vitamin, it would be that.
Did you know that breast milk is rich vitamin A?)
Basil is also a good source of iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamin C.
Eating basil will help your body to produce platelets (a component of red blood cells), that may reduce the chance of blood clots forming.
I love talking about vitamins, and speaking about vitamin A (above), made me feel like I need to leave you a tip, for your eyes.. for a good vision: vitamin A. Ok?
So, if you didn't know, now you know: lots and lots of basil! Yeah!!